Scandal: Baby Swap Controversy Rocks LAUTECH

The SS genotype of a five-year-old girl is at the center of a baby swap controversy rocking the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomosho.
Tobi Adedeji, an unemployed alumnus of the institution and father of the girl, is alleging foul play against his alma mater.
He narrated his ordeal in a video posted on Monday by a Twitter user @Letter_to_Jack.
His wife’s genotype is AA and his’ is SC, how come they bore a Sickle cell anemia-ravaged daughter, he wondered.
He suspects there was a mix-up after the baby was delivered in the hospital on 15 November 2018.
The baby girl developed jaundice at birth and was unable to make sounds. She had to spend a month at the hospital before being discharged, Adedeji explained.
It was around two and half years later that the girl started showing traits of sickle cell crisis.
In 2021, I did her genotype result; I noticed that she is SS. My daughter’s genotype result is not supposed to be SS because I am SC and my wife is AA, he revealed.
Astounded and worried by the result, Adedeji repeated the trial at another laboratory – but kept receiving the same result – before he headed for the Sickle Cell Foundation (SCF) in Lagos for yet another examination.
“I carried out the same test at another laboratory and it was the same result. So, I went to the Sickle Cell Foundation in Lagos and tested our genotypes again. It showed that I’m SC, my wife is AA and my daughter is SS.
So the question is, where is the SS coming from? I agree the S is from me but the second S, where is it coming from?
Adedeji returned to Ogbomosho where he repeated the test in different laboratories, but kept on getting the same test result of SS as his daughter’s genotype.
He then complained to the management of the teaching hospital.
He was directed was to bring his wife and daughter for testing.
A foul play became apparent after the testing: the results returned SS for his daughter and AA for his wife,
They were dumbfounded; they were unable to say anything. They just said they would get back to me and till today they have not gotten back to me, he lamented.
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