Factors To Consider Before Leaving Nigeria To Study Abroad


Cosmos Ezeh, not his real name, after his NYSC at Ilorin in Kwara State told his friend he plans to travel abroad in 2024 to further his education but does not know how to go about it.

As daring as Ezeh’s intention may seem, it is worth giving the needed push. After all, it is an accepted fact that to become a better you, one has to dare to take calculated risks and overcome limitations.

Studying abroad has had a significant upsurge recently, especially for Nigerians due to the poor learning environment and epileptic academic calendar, among others.

Studying abroad is a bold step one takes by leaving his country to another in pursuit of education and this brings some new experiences and different views of life to the students.

Education abroad could be seen as acquiring skills that are considerably deemed to expand both in cultural, environmental, and academic spheres and in turn expand the scope of future career options.

The prospect of experiencing new cultures, obtaining a world-class education, and global networking opportunities for personal and professional growth are attractive propositions to students.

Herein are some of the factors to consider:

Streamlining career objectives with academic prospects

Many a time students enroll for studies without considering if such a course is in line with their career objective.

The first thing to consider while planning to study abroad is ensuring that your degree or course of study is such that will help you achieve your professional goals.

Knowing one’s academic specialisations and employability prospects of the degree programme is crucial if such a person intends to enhance his/her chances of securing employment opportunities.

Host country policies

Every year countries come out with new laws and policies concerning international students, and this must be taken into consideration before choosing a school.

Rules touching part-time work during study periods and post-study work opportunities, for instance, play a huge role in influencing international students’ decisions in choosing their study abroad destination.

Most Nigerian students are just looking for quality education abroad, but are also assessing their options based on employability gains.

One of the most imperative factors to consider when selecting a course or degree programme abroad is the industry you intend to pursue a career.

This should include the physiognomies of the industry in the chosen country, the industry’s potential for growth, and employment opportunities in the country after completing the study programme.

And if you intend to come back and work in Nigeria, you must consider the industry’s tendency to grow and other vagaries by the time you are through with study.

After-study work visa

There is a great need to ascertain the after-study work visa as applicable in the host country.

Many countries allow international students to gain international work experience after studies through schemes such as post-study work visa progammes.

If you intend to stay back and work abroad, there is a need to find out what the situation is concerning a post-study work visa.

Personal and professional growth

Being an international student exposes one to new experiences, and to learn about the host country’s culture, traditions, and practices.

Besides, it allows international students to engage and work with peers from other nations, gain insights into their varied backgrounds, and acquire new skills and perspectives.

Hence, it is ideal to acquire skills that facilitate networking with professionals and broaden your exposure to professional opportunities.

Such connections can contribute to students’ personal and professional advancement making the study abroad experience truly transformative.

In the evolving landscape of global education, the decision to study abroad now transcends academic pursuits; it has become a strategic investment in international students’ professional future.

Like in every other sphere of life, it is better to take calculated risks than to do otherwise. Hence, Nigerians must learn to survey accordingly before pitching to study a particular course in a particular country.




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