Career Guidance- Forensic Science


Forensic Science is the application of scientific methods and techniques to investigate crimes and examine evidence that can be presented in a court of law.

It encompasses various disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and criminal justice, to analyse physical evidence, identify suspects, and solve criminal cases.

As crime rates increased and the need for scientific methods in crime investigation became more apparent, Nigerian universities have begun to recognise the importance of forensic science education.

And the University of Lagos was one of the first to offer courses related to forensic science within its criminology and criminal justice programmes.

A career path in forensic science can be realised through being a forensic scientist/technician, crime scene investigator, forensic pathologist, forensic anthropologist, forensic chemist or digital forensic analyst. They can work in the judicial and criminal sector of an organisation or country.

Forensic science, as an academic discipline, is relatively new in Nigeria
but it has been growing steadily in response to the increasing need for forensic expertise in the criminal justice system. For many years, forensic science in Nigeria was primarily handled by law enforcement agencies without formal academic programmes dedicated to the field. Most forensic work was done by police laboratories and a few specialised units within the criminal justice system.

In recent years, several universities have established dedicated forensic science programmes or included forensic science as a specialisation within broader science or criminal justice programmes.

Notable institutions include Nnamdi Azikiwe University, which offers a postgraduate programme in forensic science, and the University of Ibadan, which has developed forensic science courses within its medical and natural sciences faculties.

UTME Subjects

UTME subjects required are Use of English, Chemistry, Biology and Physics or Mathematics. O’ Level requirements are a credit pass in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. For special waivers from institutions, check the brochure on

Forensic science in Nigeria is an evolving discipline with significant potential to contribute to the country’s criminal justice system.

It is a four-year degree programme that can be studied under the Faculty of Sciences in the following Nigerian Universities: First Technical University (TECH-U) Ibadan, Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), Bayero University, Kano (BUK) and the Nigerian Police Academy, Wudil, Kano State (NPA), among others.

Check for a comprehensive list of accredited institutions offering the course. In Nigeria, professional bodies regulating the practice of forensic science include: the Chartered Institute of Forensics and Certified Fraud Investigators of Nigeria (CIFCFIN) and The Society for Forensic and Analytical Scientists Nigeria (SFASN). Prof. John Obafunwa, Benedict Agbo Ph.D, Mrs. Avril Eyewu-Edero, Dr. Uwom Eze and Mrs. Jane-Muse Adebukola Orire is a notable Nigerian Forensic Scientist.

Curled from jambulletin



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